Github Usage from Visual Studio

Quick bootstrap on how to use Github from Visual Studio

Configure Github on Visual Studio

Step1: Install Github Pull request and Issues extension on VS

Step2: Publish a commit on Gith Repo from VS

  • Make the change on your file locally on you VS

  • Go on the 3rd top icon on the lef vertical of VS, named "Source Control", you will see that there is a 1 increment counter

  • On the ... on the top , click on it, and select commit, then enter "Commit" and press enter

  • After go at the bottom left of VS and select the branch, then click on the arrow to sync up to Github Repo the change.

  • Then check on the Github repo that change has well be published

Server Side CLI Useful

// SSH to your Back-End Cloud Server
$: ssh root@YourServerIP

// Go to your Web Site Hosting directory and copy your web Site material (HTML/CSS/Javascript)
$: cd /var/www/html

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