Ethereum 2

Ethereum 2 upgrade

Meetup - event 1/12/2020

Meetup link:

eth2 is the new naming for the new beacon chain


They will start with a few chards, 2 at the beginning. Main will stay

What existing projects on eth2: RocketPool, stackfish (stake pool)

The block explorer for the beaconcha: proof of stake

Proof of stake: 66 attack ready and not the 51 percent for PoW

Paper: Ethereum is a dark forst -> (people monitoring the memPool)

The new EVM with eth2 and where we run smartcontract

New EVM based on WASM (eWASM) to be able to write your SC on a brand new Virtual machine and will solve lots of problem

On the roadmap now, they don't talk about new EVM ->

At eth1.5 -> they take all exectuion and balance on mainnet and put it on chard: you can start staking only

  • Follow everything?

  • ZK Optimistic roll-up?

Once you have scalability

Phase 2.0

The future is a gamification of savings -> game running on Kovan Testnet githcoin is the githhub of coin projects,

Community of blockhain APp:

Defi project: monolith was explained

Make a synthetics lab on finance for DEFI on ledger ethereum

DEFI will give 5% in Euro zone

Trade on Uniswap with Metamask?

Eth2 Concept


The sharding concept will deploay 64 chains running in parallel.

There is a beacon chain (level 1 chain) where validator are randomnly decided for each shard. This makes it quasi impossible for validator to collude to attack a shard.

Eth1 performance is around 15-45 transaction/seconds. Thanks to sharding potential to 100.00 transaction /sec is possible.

The Beacon chain

Info on :

The block explore on beacon chain: and

On Eth1, Each new group of 30 000 blocks is known as an epoch.

On Eth2 (known as Serinity), the epoch time is 6 minutes. 32 blocks are presented during one epoch, meaning 12 seconds between blocks. On the beacon chain, there is a slot number representing the block that was validated

The chain staking has started the 1/12/2020:

The beacon chain can not handle account or smartcontracts.

Eventually the Beacon Chain will also be responsible for randomly assigning stakers to validate shard chains.

The Beacon Chain does not have data - it will not store the balances of accounts, locations of tokens, state of dapps, or any other information the current blockchain stores. Firstly, it stores the list of Validators. Secondly, it stores attestations. The other responsability is to store references to shard state.

There is a staking gateway which is a registration smartContract on Eth1 mainnet, you have to send him 32 ether to be be a potential validator. This smart contract will generate a receipt (an event readable by blockchain clients) indicating a "membership card", showing the committer (i.e. the staker) as a qualified Validator. Once you commit 32 Ether into staking, you can only withdraw them to a specific shard (when those are added), but not back into EVM land.

Attention when you PoW ether are used as stake on PoS, you can not withdraw it on PoW mainnet and it is not yet ready to withdraw it on PoS, you have to wait shard be available:

To reiterate, the Beacon Chain does not have data - it will not store the balances of accounts, locations of tokens, state of dapps, or any other information the current blockchain stores. Firstly, it stores the list of Validators. Secondly, it stores attestations.

Attestations are confirmed and validator-signed hashes that reference the current state of a given shard.

Tool to generate Sha256:

Shards are the blockchain's "hard drive". Every once in a while when a shard's total data changes (i.e. even if just one of 1 million accounts changes balance), a new hash is generated from this new state which is then checkpointed (attested) on the beacon chain. In other words, whenever a shard's data changes, that change is reported to the beacon chain by validators as having happened.

This is where the beacon in beacon chain comes from. Like a lighthouse in a foggy port, the beacon is there to help everyone find each other - all shards communicate through it, all nodes talk through it and collaborate on building the chain.

There are 2 types of nodes on eht2:

  • beacon nodes: are in charge of validating validators, aggregating signatures, grabbing the necessary data with which to build new blocks and passing it on for validation to Validators. Beacon nodes are equivalent to miners in the current system in that they're heavier on the resources and will need to be run on non-trivial hardware

  • validator clients: They're programs the only function of which is to remain connected to the internet and to keep staking your Ether in the system. Validator needs to sign their attestation and send it back to the network when requested. The Validator clients build the blocks from the data provided by the beacon nodes and send them back to the network. No specific hardware, light can work.

  • There are other types of nodes as well - light clients, ultra light clients, stateless nodes, full archive nodes that help with retrieval of data the rent of which expires



  • a validator who propose is a proposer

  • a validator who validate propose is an attester

There is a big list of validator registered on the beacon chain.They use a randomizer known as "RANDAO+VDF" to select the validator forming the committee.

When some validators are picked to be the committee, they are responsible for attesting to a state, i.e. building the next block. This can happen in a timeframe we call a slot (one slot means one proposal of a block and attestations from other validators that this block is A-OK), and a set of slots during which all the randomly picked validators have had the opportunity to make an attestation is called a cycle.

In order to become a Validator, you need to deposit exactly 32 ether into a smart contract on the proof-of-work main Ethereum blockchain. This generates something like a "validator membership card" which lets you participate in the new system. Validators will be responsible for a specific shard or two , and one validator will be able to propose/attest for one to two shards.

To make penalities if a validator is making bad transaction or validating bad one they define different concepts: The loss of stake is called slashing (a part of your stake is slashed) and the algorithm doing this is called Slasher. So you can loose part of your 32 ethers. ! The will burn the ether of miss behaving validators, making ether goins in scaricity.

Today (so 2/12/2020), blocks constructed on the beacon chain are empty.

Sharding chains

The docking

Become validator on Eth2

To become a validator on eth2 ->

Every validator will only run their shard and not the entire Etherum network.

Last updated